
How Do Social Institutions Change As Societies Become More Industrialized

Open admission peer-reviewed chapter

Social Policy and the Welfare State

Submitted: October 30th, 2018 Reviewed: November 2d, 2018 Published: Nov 28th, 2018

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.82372


The developments and changes in the social life have led to change in the social needs. Therefore, problems and their solutions also modify. The industrial revolution which realized in the eighteenth century had some important impacts non only on the economic life merely as well on social structure. Information technology was aimed to solve social bug and ensure prosperity through social policies, which is a multidisciplinary field, and consequently, the concept of welfare country emerged. Us, which had liberal concerns and traditional protection functions and reached a powerful position with their internationalist approaches, underwent a transformation menstruum considering of the economic and social developments which took place in the last quarter of the twentieth century. Information technology has been subject of criticism that states increased the social expenses to satisfy the social needs and therefore acquired an economic crisis in this period when the furnishings of globalization were discussed. In this study, the change and transformation procedure in the welfare states and their social policies at the global scale will be handled conceptually and from the historical evolution perspective. Making determinations about the past and present, besides as having assumptions for future, this study aims to contribute to literature.


  • social policy
  • welfare state
  • globalization
  • welfare
  • social welfare

1. Introduction

Social policy is an inclusive disciplinary, which means to provide solutions to address needs of social life. Social problems change based on economical and environmental factors. These changes likewise differ based on social structure and state policies.

The historical background of social policies is in parallel with important events in the human history. An important cornerstone in the world history, industrial revolution, is an economic revolution on ane side, simply it increased the social problems on the other side. From industrial perspective, societies can exist regarded as preindustrial society, industrial club, and postindustrial lodge. It is also possible to say that social policies that provided solutions to social problems also changed based on the conditions of the flow.

It is seen that traditional methods were used to satisfy social needs, and the groups in need of protection were tried to be protected through social help and services in the preindustrial period.

The menstruum which began with the industrial revolution caused varied social problems every bit from the 2d half of eighteenth century. Seeking solutions to address the poverty and social imbalance, which were caused by the industrialization, social policy tried to make balance between economy and social policies. The migrations to industrialized regions with the impact of industrialization caused new professions, negative life and work conditions, and poverty. In the face of this change in the demographic structure, states adopted the liberal economical agreement as a solution. Complimentary market economy that emerged every bit a result of concerns that state interventions would impairment economic and social balances helped a part of society to accept welfare merely acquired workers who constituted the majority of lodge to impoverish. Liberal economy understanding's failure to ensure social welfare resulted in criticisms and the rise of neoliberal approaches.

The fact that liberal land agreement's limited approach caused negative results on social policies led adopting a more interventionist and regulating state model. Considering social expectations that the state should meet social needs increased, the state got a new graphic symbol to solve social problems. Afflicted by the wars which bankrupt out in the starting time one-half of twentieth century and 1929 economic crunch, the concept of state inverse in favor of social policies. With Keynesian economic approach, it paved the mode for more than inclusive interventions and adopted "welfare state" approach. All the same, also affected by globalization, the interventionist arroyo of welfare country to ensure economic and social welfare failed to ensure economic growth, and the position of state was discussed again.

In this new period, where the increase of social expenditures and taxes was perceived equally a threat, it was suggested that the social responsibilities of the state should exist reduced. The crises beginning in 1970s and the problems which increased with the effect of globalization led to a transformation in the welfare land. The crunch of welfare land and the constantly increasing discussion about the office of state to make up one's mind social policies acquired states to plunge into new quests.

Although the quests for the welfare country of Golden Historic period were dissimilar, it is possible to say that the bones attitudes were neoliberal attitudes like increasing the effectiveness of local administrations, leaving ensuring welfare ton on profit organizations, and leaving social services to individual sector. Therefore, the Welfare State mode that emerged with industrial revolution was restructured with the "Data Age" and globalization which emerged in the last quarter of twentieth century. In this catamenia, social policies are determined by civil society, international, and supranational organizations instead of traditional means, and social policy understanding turns into new forms.

In spite of all criticisms, welfare state nevertheless regulates and implements social policies today. Exposed to some transformations and to some extent replaced by neoliberal policies as a result of changes caused past the globalization and information age, the welfare land is predicted to continue its existence in new forms and remains as an important power to regulate social policies in time to come.

In this study which has been made under the light of this information and predictions, first of all, the conceptual foundations, targets, and means of social policy will be explained with the factors which paved the way for its emergence in the historical process. After that, the concept of welfare state and the effects and events, which paved the way for its emergence, volition be handled in the historical process. Welfare state crisis and globalization will exist explained nether unlike headings and determinations, and predictions will exist fabricated most today and future, discussing their bear on on the social policy.


ii. The subject area of social policy

Social policy is referred to as "social policy" in Continental Europe, only it is referred to as "social welfare policy" in the North American literature. Some authors argue that these two concepts take the same meaning but some others argue that social policy is a frame concept which encompasses various policies, including social welfare policy [1].

Differences regarding the definition of social policy besides arise from periodic conditions. To Wagner, social policy means the measurements taken by state to protect workers, while to Kessler, information technology means the movements and struggles of social class and state's attitude against this struggle. To Lauber, social policy is a ready of measurements taken at national level in order to alter and regulate the financial and cultural life weather condition in a definite menstruum of fourth dimension. Albrech defines social policy equally all measures and institutions that are taken to protect the part of order which is in need of economic protection and to ensure social security and peace [two]. Marshall defines social policy equally a set of policies developed by state to ensure welfare in social club that it obtains service and income. Hagenbuch asserts that social policy is an effort to make sure that individuals have minimum standards and opportunities.

In narrow sense, social policy is an attitude to address the disputes, imbalances, and conflict of interests between employers and employees and to ensure harmony betwixt classes in capitalist systems [iii, iv, 5]. In narrow sense, the aim of social policies is to find solutions for the issues emerging in industrials societies. From this perspective, information technology serves ensuring the social justice for catastrophe the social inequalities that accept been caused by the industrial revolution in social policy. In narrow sense, information technology represents the policies for making a rest betwixt labor and capital because it encompasses only issues of worker and labor classes [6]. These policies too include the provision of social justice.

In narrow sense, political policy approaches the working life as the basic element that can explain the social club. In this context, it too deals with bug such as wages, working conditions, merchandise unionism, and collective bargaining [7].

In a broad sense, the concept of social policy means comprehensive practices which address not only the problems and needs of working class only also those of the other segments of society [8]. With a definition from this perspective, it is possible to say social policy subject area addresses the bug of urbanization, surround, health, and educational activity and those of all segments of society such equally workers, the disabled, the elders, children, and immigrants. In a board sense, social policy emerged together with the concept of welfare country after World State of war 2. Therefore, social policy includes health services, social security, city, environment, and struggling against unemployment and poverty that affect social welfare. In a wide sense, the final target of all these practices is to ensure social peace, social justice, and equality between dissimilar groups [9].

Social policy is determined on the footing of redistribution. The regulatory and distributive view of policies serves to ensure that everyone living in lodge has social freedoms and equal opportunities [10]. Ensuring the welfare of each private is the chief objective of the state and other organizations that are social policy practitioners.

The members of society have such needs as instruction, social security, health services, and housing. Social policy aims to ensure the welfare of individuals through legislative regulations. Because social policy is affected by social developments, it changes based on the needs of individuals. State makes new regulations based on needs. It is possible to make split up regulations for those who are in need of protection from social policy perspective for children and youth, for the disabled, for families with low income, and for the elders.

The factors which affect and make up one's mind social policy are not merely the needs of society and individuals simply as well are ideological movements, crime rates, unemployment, media, politics, industrial groups, and violence, such economical factors as debit and recession and the nature of welfare land (social autonomous, liberal, etc.) [11].

Social policy can be divers as an surface area consisting of decisions taken with the participation of many individuals and parties, which is put in force after the state determines its basis [12]. There is a common interaction betwixt social policy and economic policies [3]. Thus, the development of a country is not possible simply through economical growth but as well past achieving a fair and balanced growth to solve social problems. From this perspective, the problems in economy and those in social policy demand to be handled together.

2.1 Principles and concepts of social policy

To achieve its goals, social policy needs to have some principles regarding the policies it volition determine.

The social policy, which is put in strength by the state and other institutions, affects the welfare of order directly. A state's regulations regarding welfare need to exist determined by analyzing its social policies. The subjects and basic principles related with social policies are social needs and social problems, equal rights and social justice, efficiency, equity and choice, altruism, reciprocity and obligation, and sectionalization, difference, and exclusion [xiii].

Welfare state should provide some rights to the people. These are elaborated beneath.

  • Equality: Achieving equality underlies social policies. Resources need to exist distributed adequately in order to attain equality. Equality has different types: equal consequence, equal opportunity, or equal handling.

  • Equal opportunity: It means that equal groups should be treated equally. Equal opportunity needs to be given to people regardless of their sex activity or group. Moreover, all people must accept the same opportunities in educational system or in the labor marketplace.

  • Need: Basic needs are nutrient, caring, and housing. Needs are not limited, and it is not sure which needs should be covered past states.

  • Liberty and rights: There are different types of rights. Civil rights mean the absence of arbitrary arrest and detention but having freedom to discuss any opinion. Social rights mean social welfare and social security, right to education. Political rights include voting and joining political parties and freedom to explain opinion in a democratic way.

All of these rights are provided by welfare country. The individuals who live in society are bound to land through the bail of citizenship. He/she has the right to request the state to which he/she is a citizen to brand policies which pave the way to provide him/her the rights he/she has. From this perspective, the citizenship concept plays an important function in determining the state'south obligations and rights of individuals equally a part of social policies.

The main goal of social policies is to ensure that everyone in club lives in harmony, distant from conflicts. Thus, the target is to ensure social justice, social development, social balance, social integration, and social peace [seven].

  • Thank you to social justice , everyone in society will have equal rights in the face of equal risks. In this way, the inequalities and differences caused by the economical chances are eliminated. All the policies that ensure that anybody has off-white opportunities with regard to income, taxes, wages, education, and social security contribute to the development of social justice.

  • Ensuring the social balance is possible if everyone in society lives in harmony and balance. Therefore, social differences need to be reduced. Especially the differences and inequalities, with regard to opportunities, of the individuals living in different regions crusade this balance and harmony to deteriorate. It is i of the main objectives of social policy practitioners to eliminate the differences regarding the development level and to ensure that anybody benefits from the aforementioned social services.

  • Social peace is ensured through policies aimed at eliminating the factors that lead to the deterioration of the balance within the social structure. Particularly in the capitalist system, the social differences created past the gratis market place can hinder solidarity throughout the society. For the creation of a lodge dominated past harmony and reconciliation, policies should exist implemented in order to eliminate the negative effects on the psychology of society.

  • Social integration refers to the minimization of political and economic factors that negatively affect unity and solidarity in society. Didactics, culture, and moral values are bug that affect social resolution in this sense.

  • Achieving the goal of social democracy, it is possible to protect the cardinal rights and freedoms of individuals in democratic order with the legal order in the framework of democratic freedoms. The goal of democracy must be achieved in order to protect the individuals' rights to work and participate.

two.ii History of social policy

The social policy, which is considered to accept emerged every bit a result of the economic and social developments in the nineteenth century, started to become meaningful with the industrial revolution. As a consequence of the change in economic relations with the industrial revolution, social changes became inevitable. With the industrial revolution, increased production gave rise to the need for more than labor. The authorisation of capital owners on the labor market place increased even further through the liberalization of merchandise.

In a menstruum when the liberal market economic system approach (Laissez-faire) was adopted, the ascendant opinion was that government interventions would negatively touch on the free market [xiv]. The conventionalities that a market created without intervention would enrich the people, on the one hand, ensured the enrichment of the owners of capital and, on the other paw, acquired the labor sector to become poor. The poverty faced by children and women hurts humanitarian feelings [15]. Increasing poverty during this period when no intervention was made to workers' wages and working conditions caused the social problems to increment and thus the rapid evolution of social policies.

Equally a effect of liberal approach in the economy, two opposing sections have emerged in society: the bourgeois class who are the capital owners and working form who are the labor holders. The reduced of wages, poor working weather, and long working hours have led to social bug in the labor course and to class conflicts. In the nineteenth century, social policies were practical to solve the social problems created by the liberal economy understanding of the state. Providing social peace and justice through the intervention of the land in the working life, working relations, and wages is inevitable.

With the social reform movements that began in England and Canada between 1880 and 1920, social policies turned into a descriptive approach from the prohibitive arroyo [1]. In this approach, the state was criticized that its part in the work life was limited and rigid, and it was suggested that the state should regulate social conditions in social club to eliminate the negativities in the work life. In this catamenia, there was an opinion that the role of the country in social policies should increment, in the capitalist developed countries, such every bit France, Deutschland, and the U.s.a..

Consequently, the emergence of social policy in the modern sense is attributed to social weather condition created by French Revolution in intellectual-political sphere and those created by industrial revolution in the social and economic spheres [sixteen].

After World War II, liberal economic approaches in adult countries were abased, and Keynesian policy arroyo was adopted with the belief that the state should arbitrate in social policies. Another important gene in the adoption of this arroyo is the 1929 economical crisis and its negative consequences. After the industrial revolution, the telescopic of social policies expanded, and not only the bug of labor sector merely also those of the whole society were addressed. All of the issues such as wellness services, elderly and child intendance, struggle against unemployment and poverty, participation of women in working life, protection of the surround, and gender discrimination became issues for which the state struggled under social policy.


3. Toward welfare state

The concept of welfare state emerged in 1930s and 1940s. Unlike the concept of state which was adopted during World War II and which aimed for providing sufficient money to cover the demand of army in far, welfare land aims at providing social policy, wellness services and thus providing social needs [17].

Welfare state concept gains different aspects in dissimilar countries according to their cultural, social, political, and economical legacies and historical developments. Welfare state aims at providing welfare of the individual citizens. Co-ordinate to the demands of labor market and civil society, welfare state intervenes in the economy.

Although there are many definitions virtually the welfare state, Asa Brigg defines it every bit follows: "Information technology is a kind of country in which consciously organized public power is used to reduce the role of market place forces." It is accustomed within the scope of the function of the welfare state to provide a minimum income guarantee to individuals and families, to facilitate the prevention of certain social risks, and to offer good living atmospheric condition to individuals in society through social welfare [18].

Some other definition of the welfare state is that "it is a contemporary state understanding that undertakes the duty to ensure a fair income distribution, protect the groups and classes in need of protection, direct the social security practices and employment policies, practise the politicize to run into the bones requirements of social club such equally educational activity, health, and housing and takes measures for regulating the working life, cheers to the revenue enhancement and wage policies it follows" [19].

3.1 History of welfare state

The difficulties were faced with regard to making definition of the welfare state and justifying its historical development. As mentioned above, each and every state has a unlike national social security organization, a different social construction, and thus, different needs. Moreover, welfare state determines the policies that are required by the economical, social, and cultural conditions and put in force the legislative regulations accordingly.

The development process of welfare state can be handled by categorizing in 3 periods. The first period was between 1870 and 1913, in other words from the late seventeenth century when the industrial revolution took place to early on nineteenth century. The next period was the time between World State of war I and World War II and the time period between 1950 and 1973 when is referred to every bit the "Golden Age of Welfare States." Welfare land changed with the economic crises which realized after 1973. This period is referred to every bit "Welfare State Crunch" and refers to the menstruum up today.

The emergence of welfare state dates back to 1601, when Poor Laws were put in force in UK. In this period, about of men were recruited for war. When they turned back home, they lived the balance of their life without whatever social security or protection just under risks. 1601 Poor Constabulary was the showtime legislative initiative to protect the elders, patients, and wounded people in the society. Still, this legislative regulation was not sufficient because the rest of gild was also in need of protection. Another legislative regulation was made in 1834 as a effect of economical and social pressure and considering of the developments at the fourth dimension. This is the showtime of the stigmatizing effects of social policy. In the following periods, the effects of Adam Smith's free market place economy started to alter the state policies and legislative regulations not just in Great britain just also in other countries.

Welfare state really emerged after Earth War II. Along World War I, all countries spent all of their resources for state of war. After Earth War I, it was understood that John Maynard Keynes approach was not sufficient for creating job opportunities and reviving public economy. Later on the state of war, information technology was believed that a 2nd state of war could be prevented by means of creating chore opportunities and providing new working and life standards.

With 1942 Social Security report (Social Insurance and Allied Services), Lord William Beveridge aimed at creating a health organization, providing minimum income and decreasing employment rates. After the war, Beveridge's opinions were evaluated together with Keynes arroyo for creating a national welfare for Britain [twenty]. Distrustfulness of liberalism urged countries for plunging into new quests.

States faced new social risks between 1870 and 1913. These risks were increase of aging population, pension payments, diseases, occupational diseases, and accidents. In 1880s, Bismarck made some efforts in guild to provide social security. Reform efforts made by Bismarck aimed at providing a protection through social security against the risks of industrial revolution, depression income, and population movements. The long working hours and heavy working weather condition increased poverty and socialist movements. With these developments, the regulations covering disease insurance in 1883, work accident insurance in 1884, and old-historic period and inability insurance in 1889 were put in force.

Bismarck's reform movement aimed at establishing a system non only under the state but besides with support of employers and employees. According to this, the system had iii dimensions: employer'southward responsibilities, private investments, and private insurance. This system also accepted the intervention by land. Therefore, it possible to say that the economic and political structures and, consequently, social policies of other countries started the change after Bismarck's reform.

Following Bismarck's reform, many legislative regulations were put in forcefulness for the diseases and injuries caused by industrialization. No similar regulations and rules had been put in force in Western European Countries until 1913.

Because of industrialization, the changes in social demographic structure, and increasing pressures in nineteenth century in European states, the realization of welfare state gained speed. Public sector and economy had a rapid development in China, Brazil, and Russia. Between 1950 and 1973, when it is known every bit the golden historic period of welfare land, the intervention of state gradually increased with the Keynesian approach which was adopted for solving the problems acquired past the free marketplace economy. However, Keynesian policies caused states to go into crises later on 1970s. High tax rates, increasing public expenditures, and states' intervening markets were cited as the reasons for the crisis. In this period, when the proportion of social expenditures to public expenditures was gradually increasing, old-historic period, motherhood, injury, and decease insurances were accepted in many countries. In add-on, unemployment insurance and family aids were also regulated in more than adult countries [21].

The welfare state has been undergoing a transformation since 1975. The state intervention which increased with 1929 economical crisis was replaced with a organisation in which the state shrined subsequently the oil crisis between 1973 and 1979. In this period, states adopted the opinion that states should be less interventionist with regard to making economic and social policies. It is observed that the upkeep deficit which was caused by the pressure of social expenditures increased in this period when unemployment became chronic, inflation rate increased, and economic growth decreased especially in Western European countries.

Neoliberal approach which emerged in this menses was adopted as a new grade of liberalism, a result of solution seeking against Keynesian policies [22]. Every bit a issue of violent competition caused past economic crises, a new period started in late 1970s, and in that menstruum, Keynesian welfare state went through a crisis.

With globalization, welfare state that had stability in economical growth as well as good work conditions and cost offers concluded, and a new period in which nation states had less authorization started. These developments which also affected social policies led to adoption of neoliberal approach for decreasing social expenditures. States started restructuring and new reforms in gild to re-start economical growth. In the terminal 20 years, many countries accept made regulations to decrease social expenditures. Yet again, in many countries, public expenditures take not decreased, instead, they take increased. The reasons of this condition are not only economic reasons and developments but besides the reasons acquired by the alter of demographic structure like aging population and the changing family structure. Every bit mentioned to a higher place, economic policies and social policies have mutual interactions. It is obvious that the changes in economic policies also bear on social policies, and no 1 is independent of the other.

On the other hand, the economic status of welfare state is non but related with individual behaviors but besides related with social security organisation to exist accustomed for labor market and social welfare. The contradiction between labor market place and land intervention has yet to be solved [17].

Welfare country continues to develop. Land still plays an important role in determining social policies. It is possible to say that not but economic indicators but also the changes taking place in demographic and social construction play role in determining the policies of welfare state.

The welfare state aims at redistributing income and thus plays an interventionist and regulatory role. Information technology takes measures to eliminate negativity in working life. It determines the minimum wage, undertakes social security and welfare services, and intervenes by taxes and other expenditures to eliminate injustices in income distribution [23, 24].

The welfare state is expressed as the deepened and extension of the archetype protective state [25]. The welfare state, whose concluding phase reached has been past the modern state, is no longer a "spectator state," but information technology is a "player state" [xix].

All of the definitions regarding welfare state include the mentality to protect those who accept poor economic and social conditions. This protection can be washed through social policies. Therefore, welfare state's intervention for the sake of eliminating the negative conditions, which is required to be done by the welfare state and achieve the goals of social policies, is appropriate and required.

Although the duties and telescopic of each welfare land change based on each country's social, cultural, economical and demographic conditions; basically, they include ensuring the protection of children, the disabled, families, the elders and women, creating jobs, providing education and vocational training, struggling against poverty and low income, and improving the working atmospheric condition.

Considering the practices of the welfare state, diverse distinctions take been made on the footing of services and expenditures to ensure social welfare. The most of import written report about this issue has been made by Gosta Esping-Andersen. Esping-Andersen classifies welfare state systems as follows:

  • Liberal welfare model which is practiced by USA and Great britain

  • Bourgeois and Continental Europe model which is practiced by Federal republic of germany, French republic, and Belgium

  • Social Democratic Scandivian Model which is skilful past Sweden and Denmark [26, 27].

The welfare country, emerging equally a response to the search for solutions to accost the inequalities and negativities created past the industrial revolution, is a new form of the liberal state. Because the liberal approach threatening social interests due to the fact that capital and markets were not interfered and the socialist arroyo that kept the interests of the working class at the highest level were not sufficient to meet the social needs, the welfare state emerged as a arrangement to overcome the problems of both of these systems.

Regarding the welfare state, it is possible to make the post-obit determinations regarding the flow until the beginning of the process of globalization and neoliberalism [28].

  • The residual approach evolved and replaced by with an institutional approach.

  • Demanding social welfare has turned into a human right arising from being a citizen.

  • While it was an agreement of service to meet the needs of simply poor, it has turned into universal service to meet the needs of the whole guild.

  • Information technology left from a limited welfare budge to large welfare expenditures.

  • The understanding that such issues as poverty and unemployment are not considering of the mistakes done by individuals but because of inadequacy of the land and its institutions.

  • Making efforts to take responsibleness for providing social welfare has shifted from volunteer individuals and institutions to public institutions.

The economic crises experienced after the 1970s caused issues and criticized the Keynesian welfare state. Budget arrears was one of the bug that were faced due to the increase in unemployment, the decrease in economical growth, and the increase in retirement historic period and health expenditures due to the aging of the population. The criticism and argue about the welfare country are that all the negative, economic, social, and political issues are caused by the social policy practices of the welfare state.

Long-term consideration of demographic changes and the bear on of globalization on the welfare state have opened new avenues for debate and discussion nigh the welfare country's hereafter development [17]. The important bespeak is providing people welfare for the welfare states.

Criticisms about the welfare state are:

  • Poverty and unemployment rates have not been reduced, and social welfare policies have not been successful

  • The opportunities provided for welfare cause negative effects on family structure, increase divorce rates, and deteriorate moral values

  • It has increased the taxes put on income and capital

  • Social expenditures have increased [28, 29].

Welfare states have begun to develop new policies and restructure due to the issues that constitute the source of criticisms of social policy. Although it is claimed that the welfare state has a trend to go back due to economic and financial pressures, it is possible to say that the welfare state continues to make efforts to adjust with the new weather condition.

3.2 Globalization

The transformations which have taken place in social policy and welfare state tin be explained under the shade of globalization. In 1998s and 1990s, privatization and marketization had an bear upon for some of conservative governments. The governments had more than liberal approach to civil gild and economy policy.

Globalization reveals a gratuitous market economy, liberal democracy, and cultural differences in the process leading to a holistic globe economy [30]. Globalization procedure gained momentum afterwards 1980. In this procedure which was based on economical liberalization, the neoliberal model became dominant and the idea that land should carelessness its active role in social policies was adopted. In some developed countries, which had been practicing the neoliberal model, social policy implementations began to lose their importance, and they were completely neglected in less developed countries.

The effects of globalization became more axiomatic at the end of the twentieth century, and the welfare state had less intrusive character with regard to taking measures for social protection due to the pressure caused by social expenditures and increased taxes. With the adoption of the ascendant view that social expenditures hampered economical growth, the shrinking of welfare states and reduction of its role on social policies gained momentum. Due to the increasing competition between the welfare states, poverty and unemployment have increased, and injustices have emerged in the distribution of income [21].

The narrowing of social welfare state practices in the process of globalization caused social rights to exist restricted. Liberal agreement limits the land'due south duties with the provision of security, justice, and infrastructure. State shrinks through liberalization. The possibility of the deterioration of the remainder between capital and labor, which was tried to be established later on the industrial revolution, threatens those who are in need of social protection. The increasing unemployment rate is one of the virtually important threats.

In the process of globalization, reverse to their liberal philosophy, u.s. that turned into neoliberal models needed to further develop their social policy practices. Developments show that, reverse to expectations, the model adopted in the process of globalization deepens the problems of social policies further.

The impacts of globalization on the welfare state model and social policies are evaluated from four dissimilar perspectives, which are:

  • According to Mishra; globalization eliminates the independence of nation states. Economic growth is the sole target. International wage inequality and poverty increase due to economical pressures, and social protection is weakening. Welfare of nation states decreases with neoliberal policies [31].

  • According to Pierson, globalization alone is not the reason for the reduction of the power of welfare states. Equally an external ability, globalization may require renewal in the structuring of states, but this restructuring should non exist a reduction of social policies. In this process, states should also take into account the internal furnishings such as demographic, migration, and social developments and decide on the restructuring process accordingly [32].

  • According to Esping-Anderson, nation states should prefer more than counterbalanced practices on the axis of globalization. Nation states with strong economic and political structures should prefer the about harmonious practices for their own futurity while guiding globalization [27].

  • According to Rieger and Leibfried, globalization emerged as a event of efforts of the nation states to reduce the negative effects of state of war with the liberal model. The economies of nation states are independent of the global economy; therefore, the restructuring process and the institution of relevant policies should be evaluated in this respect [33].

The causes of the crisis of the welfare state in developed countries are globalization which is an external factor and internal variables which are related to the social structures of states. One of these reasons is the demographic structure, which has inverse because of the aging population, prolongation of life, and decreasing nativity rates. In addition, family unit structure has changed, divorces have increased, public expenditures, alimony and health expenditures, and taxes take increased, and economic growth has declined. The competitive power of the countries in the international loonshit has decreased due to the increase in the expenditures of the welfare state to ensure social welfare. Having been in search of providing solution for the emptying of the financial pressures caused by the expenditures related to increased welfare, the welfare states have entered into a restructuring process.

In the restructuring and surviving process, the financial pressure was tried to exist eased through the privatization of the alimony organisation, raising the retirement age, increasing the premiums, and reducing the financial pressure.

With the shrinkage in the welfare land, the provision of welfare services has likewise changed. The service provision which had been performed by the country has been given through local administrations at local level, and it has been left to the nonprofit organization, which means it has been "privatized" [28].


4. Future of the welfare state and social policy

It seems hard to foresee the futurity country of welfare state clearly because of variables. Welfare state changes based on social, economic, cultural, and demographic structures of states. It does non seem possible to provide financing of welfare argument with traditional methods. Peculiarly 2008 financial crisis, welfare land had a view that a system in which the main histrion is the land is non sufficient for economic growth. The increasing unemployment is an obstacle for the welfare country growth. Moreover, the population of many states is getting older, and the demographic structure is changing. Labor markets demand to be supported, new jobs need to be created, and employment needs to be increased. Therefore, states determined their policies. Public expenditures are increasing due to increasing pension payments with the crumbling population.

The expectations that welfare country provides welfare are increasing more and more. The approaches for providing welfare are different. Some states adopt liberal approaches, some states adopt corporatist and some others adopt universal approaches. In recent years, the belief that economic policies are not sufficient for achieving a welfare land simply that welfare land needs to be achieved through social policies has been increasing.

Although many arguments have been raised in discussions on the future of the welfare state, it is possible to say that the rightist and leftist views are more dominant.

  • The rightists argue that the welfare land tin overcome the crisis just by shifting to neoliberal policies. They also contend that the obligatory change that took identify in the industrial revolution is also valid for the Information Age which emerged in the last quarter of the twentieth century and that social policies need to exist adult by the supranational organizations later the change of welfare state.

  • For the leftists, they argue that welfare states have the ability to adapt themselves irresolute weather condition; and therefore, they can overcome the crisis through reforms and restructuring. It is suggested that the neo-Keynesian approaches should be adopted instead of the neoliberal approach in the reform process.

As an culling to these views, neoliberals and conservatives have fabricated new initiatives nether the name of "New Correct," and social democrats and social liberals accept fabricated new initiatives under the name "The Tertiary Way" [21].

Furthermore, the legitimacy of the welfare state was questioned past both The New Correct and The New Left. The New Left criticized the state'due south role was too weak compared to the markets, and a reformulation of the state's role in societal development was needed. The New Right is focused on the part of hierarchy and pressure groups. According to their opinion, gild's welfare is more than important than bureaucracy and pressure groups' interests [17].

The globalization, which has been cited as a reason for the transformation of the welfare land and social policies, increases its influence with the participation of international organizations such as Globe Depository financial institution, Earth Wellness System, and International Budgetary Fund [xiii, 34, 35]. Nation states should implement policies in economic and social spheres non based on external processes but based on internal dynamics. As stated above, although they have like features, each country has different applications for social protection. Here, the main of import matter is to determine the impacts of change on demographic and cultural structures of the countries and brand intervention properly. In summary, it is the choice of national political authorities to present the effects of globalization as the only reason for their national policies. Instead of this perspective, information technology would be a more realistic approach to try to benefit from the positive impacts of globalization for reducing bug at the national level. By this way, it would be possible to develop more constructive tools to prevent the increasing social problems.

Welfare states are still developing. States are in search for better work and life weather. They want to have social security systems which cover all social risks. From this perspective, it is possible to say that in that location is not a real crisis in welfare states, simply there are efforts to remove obstacles before the economic growth.

Welfare states need to brand regulations to decrease unemployment rates, taxes, and public expenditures because of the turn down in economical growth [17]. In that location seems to be a tendency for narrowing in social policies considering the proportion of social expenditures in public expenditures is high.

Reform initiatives to reduce the welfare crises in the welfare states take led to giving more importance to "active social protection" understanding in social policy implementations [36]. These practices, which were put into practice in 1990s and which aimed to be active in the labor market, were based on regulations that encourage working and restricting passive expenditures. In order to reduce the passive expenditures, the period of benefiting from social benefits was shortened, and their conditions were made difficult. When the affect of the reform implementations on social expenditures is evaluated, information technology is seen that poverty of children has increased and the works for giving family aids and providing vocation education have been insufficient. It is obvious that retirement age and wellness expenditures volition proceed to increase due to the aging population. It is possible to say that the increase of passive expenditures due to the aging of the population constitutes an obstacle before realization of agile and passive reforms [37].

Every bit a consequence, welfare states continue to exist in different means. The developments show that the view that social rights, freedoms, and ideological thoughts are non sufficient to achieve the economic growth. Information technology is possible to say that the welfare states having this view will follow impartial policies about making social expenditures in future years.


v. Conclusions

In this report, the social policy and the welfare state are handled with their goals, scopes, types, and problems from their historical evolution up to today.

Social policy is a set of measures developed to protect workers against the dangers arising equally a result of industrialization, in parallel to the historical development, after the industrial revolution. Its emergence in this way has caused the social policies to exist defined in a narrow sense. After Earth War II, the narrow perspective on social policy began to change. The reason of this alter was the fact that the measures to protect the interests of the working class were not sufficient to solve social problems. Therefore, information technology was concluded that social policy should be extended to encompass all segments of social club. In a broad sense, social policy is a prepare of measures taken to ensure that all segments of the order live in peace and harmony to forbid unemployment, to better working weather condition, to provide a minimum wage, to provide social security and benefits, to eliminate injustice in income distribution, and to ensure social justice. Social policy refers to all policies that ensure the welfare of the state and individuals and the dynamic practices that constantly change.

The main goal of social policies is to ensure that everyone in society lives in peace and harmony away from conflicts. With social policies, it is aimed to ensure social justice, social development, social balance, social integration, and social peace.

The goal of social justice is to create equality of opportunity for every individual without eliminating the freedoms and to ensure a fair distribution of income. In particular, objective of justice is to provide services such equally educational activity, taxation, social security, equal opportunities, and fair and acceptable wages. Providing social balance is possible by eliminating social and regional differences. For the establishment of social peace, the factors that hinder social reconciliation must be eliminated. The aim of social integration is to ensure that measures are taken to prevent social disintegration. Social democracy, which has been adopted as the main objective of social policy, refers to the protection of individuals' interests in the environment of autonomous freedoms by taking into business relationship the residue of equality.

The industrial revolution played an of import role in the historical development of social policies. After the industrial revolution, the increased capital ensured the formation of a powerful and rich suburbia. On the other manus, the demand for manpower was met past means of the working course. The gap betwixt these two segments in society gradually increased. With the power from majuscule, the bourgeoisie class began to impose low wages, poor working conditions, and working hours of up to sixteen–20 hours on workers. The working form was left totally unprotected with the adoption of a liberal arroyo which argues that interference with market conditions adversely affects welfare. The increasing social problems led to the formation of social policies. The liberal market economy, which was replaced with Keynesian policies after Globe War Ii and 1929 economical crisis, was given up, and thus, the state could interfere with market past ways of social policies.

Although there are many definitions of the welfare state, it is possible to say "It is a kind of land in which consciously organized public power is used to reduce the role of market forces." Shifting from a liberal model to Keynesian model of welfare state, states adopted a more interventionist character from economic, social, and legal points of view. Dating dorsum to 1880s, the welfare country connected to strengthen until the mid-1970s due to the increased unemployment and spread of poverty in all countries.

The concept of welfare state entered into literature with the Beveridge Report, which was created in 1942. Looking at the foundations of the concept of welfare state, it is possible to say that it dates back to social security practices introduced by Bismarck in 1883. Welfare country emerged starting time in Germany then in Western Europe, North America, and Australia. The common feature of these countries was that they had industrialization and adult market economies and democratic systems. South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan, which underwent a further industrialization process, started to be accepted as welfare states in the 1970s. Nihon had completed this procedure earlier. While there were attempts to become a welfare country in the Soviet Spousal relationship after the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, the efforts to become a welfare state began after in China, Cuba, and Eastern Europe but they did not achieve an accomplishment with this regard considering they had no industrialization.

Social policy, which emerged as a outcome of failure of the social problems created by the liberal economy arroyo, was replaced with the concept of welfare state afterward the adoption of social security practices introduced by Bismarck in Deutschland.

The social state developed policies non only in the areas of health, education, social security, distribution of income, and housing but likewise sought solutions to environmental and urban issues in guild to ensure social welfare. The welfare state varies from country to country according to the level of welfare they have. According to the classification fabricated past Esping-Anderson, liberal welfare model belongs to conservative Continental Europe, while the social democratic model belongs to Scandinavians.

Information technology is possible to say that the welfare state, which was developed to eliminate the deficiencies of the liberal and socialist understanding in welfare, is a new form of liberal model. In this sense, it acts with an interventionist approach to solve the problems that may arise in the field of social policy.

The Keynesian welfare state stated to have a tendency to narrow social expenditures due to the decrease of economical growth, unemployment, and increased budget deficits after the economic crises seen in the 1970s.

The criticism that the welfare state's practices for welfare were unsuccessful was justified based on allegations that poverty and unemployment increased, tax and social expenditures constituted a big burden, and the family unit and moral structure in the social club inverse unfavorably.

Welfare state'southward trend to plough dorsum retrogressively is most likely to have a negative impact on social policies. The financial pressures caused by social expenditures may crusade the welfare land to take on a passive character every bit in the liberal menstruation in the face of social problems and cause social policies to regress.

This retrogression in the welfare is justified with globalization procedure, which has started to prove its effects since the belatedly 1970s. The agreement of globalization which is accompanied past liberalization suggests the limitation of the duties of the state. This situation may crusade deeper problems in the social field. Although globalization had an touch on on the welfare state equally an external factor, it is too necessary to evaluate the internal factors related to the socioeconomic and demographic structures of the states in the emergence of the crunch.

Demographic construction that changed considering of the aging of the population, prolongation of life span, and decreasing birth rates tin can be shown as a reason for the crisis of the welfare country in developed countries. In addition, the family unit structure changed, public expenditures, pension and wellness expenditures, and taxes increased, and economic growth decreased. The competitive power of the welfare state decreased due to the increment in expenditures fabricated to ensure social welfare. The welfare states, which are in search of a solution for the elimination of the fiscal pressures caused past the expenditures related to increased prosperity, have entered into a restructuring process. In the procedure of restructuring and surviving, the financial pressure was tried to be eased through the privatization of the retirement system, raising the retirement age, and increasing the premiums. During the restructuring process, the privatization initiatives were accelerated by providing the social welfare service through local administrations at local level.

In that location are many views on the future of the welfare state. Rightists who provide solutions to overcome the crisis contend that the neoliberal approach should be adopted, while leftists debate that neo-Keynesian approaches should be adopted.

In today'south globe, the concept of welfare state is transforming and the economic pressures created by globalization take a tendency to narrow social policies. Based on the fact that the reason for the transformation in the welfare state is not simply globalization, each state should develop policies and tools that are the most appropriate for its social construction to adapt it to the transformation process. In fact, when nosotros look at the practices of the welfare states in the world, it is possible to say that the effects of the crisis differ according to the level of evolution and welfare. Some of the welfare states continue to undertake initiatives to reduce public expenditures but they fail to satisfy the expectations especially because of the demographic construction. It is incommunicable to reduce the health and retirement expenditures because of the increasingly aging population.

The reform initiatives to reduce the crisis in the welfare states in the 1990s adopted the "agile social protection" understanding, which aimed at activation by keeping the work force in labor market active in social policy practices. In guild to reduce the passive expenditures, the period of benefiting from social benefits was shortened, and their conditions were made difficult. Considering OECD data, information technology is seen that the activation efforts fail short to satisfy the expectations. On the other paw, information technology is seen that family and intendance support are not provided enough, and kid poverty increases. Activation of practices is implemented by many countries. It tin be said that the time passed is not enough to give a decision whether the activation efforts take positive furnishings. Nevertheless, information technology is clear that retirement and health expenditures will continue to increase due to the aging population.

Aggrandizement, tax, and public expenditures need to be reduced in order that the welfare country continues its existence and economic growth and increases its competitiveness. In Europe, where there is tradition of social solidarity, at that place is a trend that the welfare country continues. With the back up of international organizations such as International monetary fund, OECD, and World Bank, welfare states transfer the distribution of social services to the private sector. Still, welfare services are still planned past the state, and many services are still provided by the state.

Despite all these developments, it is possible to say that the welfare state has an active role on social policies and welfare states are resistant to the economic negativities experienced. In our stance, reducing social expenditures should exist the concluding resort in the reform initiatives of states to achieve growth in the time to come periods of transformation of the welfare state. The strategies to be established in this way should be determined in lite of the following points:

  • Not deviating from the goal of achieving ultimate welfare in the transferring of services to the private sector and preserving the regulatory, descriptive grapheme of the country

  • Encouraging the individual sector with regard to distribution of social services

  • Making use of the increasing of voluntary organizations and local governments with regard to the provision of social services

  • Restructuring to reduce expenditures other than social assistance expenditures

  • Attaching importance to giving child care money to families and importance to young people's vocational education, considering the obstacles acquired by the demographic structure

  • Reducing the burden of unemployment in public social spending past producing solutions that can prevent the increasing and deepening unemployment in the world

  • Reducing the inflation and tax

  • Not considering decreasing the spending on social welfare as a tool for economic growth and determining the economical strategies on this basis

  • Utilizing the developments on a global calibration in favor of the social welfare state and adopting strategies in line with the positive effects of globalization and making cooperation with international and supranational organizations in this procedure

In the low-cal of all these points, information technology is possible to say that in the future, the governments adopting approaches compromising social policies in guild to attain economic growth volition lead to the reaction of the club who has the expectation of social welfare. On the other manus, achieving welfare without deviating from the goals of social policy will likewise vary according to the states' ability to suit themselves to changes and developments and reconstructing accordingly.


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Written Past

Esra Dundar Aravacik

Submitted: October 30th, 2018 Reviewed: November 2nd, 2018 Published: Nov 28th, 2018


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